Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ok, so again it's been too long!
But this time I have a good excuse...I've been the lead for planning and running the past event which was new and a lot of responsibility - and STRESS for me! My fellow Programme Manager was away in London for meetings for a week and I did the preparation and ran the event with the Programme Assistants for 4 or 5 days. So basically the progression from PA to APM to PM was a fast one! haha. But it was really good, and a great experience for I said very very stressful for me as well but something I had to learn. Next time I will try to manage things more efficiently and not worry so much - because as I learned the stuff I'm worried about always works out with no problems, and its the things you can anticipate that get in the way. So no use wasting my energy stressing out.
Anyway, these past 10 days we had 26 people from USA, UK, Canada, Venezuela, and New Zealand for our "Healing Touch" event. It was good, and really interesting because we had a main focus on healthcare and medicine for the sessions. We got to go to a public hospital (which was a first for us and the hospital), a private hospital, the National Institute of Naturopathy, and we had a discussion panel with many people with medical backgrounds including alleopathy and homeopathy.
We also had 3 mornings of Community Action Projects at Deep Griha in their clinics, at YWCA teaching first aid to the girls in Indira Nagar, and at St. Mary's doing yoga and exercises with the ladies there and playing with the children! It was an action packed event and things managed to run pretty well aside from some basic glitches with planning in India.
It's been insanely chaotic with work, and I havent managed to have 2 days off in a row in 2 weeks now, but things need to be a little crazy just until after the HIV/AIDS Seminar Dec. 2-8th. Then a few days after that I am FREEEE!!
I'm very excited, I will have like 2 or 2 and a half weeks off and to myself. I'm heading to Goa around the 14-19, then back for CL's wedding on the 22nd. We'll actually be spending 2 nights out there so that will be nice to be away from it all and doing all the fun wedding prep stuff. Then back in Pune on the 23rd and then who knows! I may end up back in Goa for New Years. I just really want to get away from the cold of Pune! I know no one from home wants to hear me complain but it really IS super cold here.
I am currently at my desk wearing 2 shirts, a big hoodie, a scarf, and I have my blanket wrapped around me. It's craaazy cold. I could see my breath this morning. I have no idea how the women still walk around in saris like nothing is different, if I were them I'd have 3 of those things on and and extra sweater to cover up my stomach! But it's still supposed to get COLDER, so I'm pretttty worried. haha. Getting away to a hotter place will be a great trip away!
Ok enough from me, I need to go do some actual work...send me messages if you love me! :) haha xoxo

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