Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Okay - so first things first...i LOVE the ppl at Res Life! And as I am currently missing out on all the Welcome Week fun I am super sad I cant be back at Mac to at least fake being a student for one last PJ parade! haha
So I really am starting to believe in fate, or the spirit of india because the last two times I've been in need of a little piece of home my friends and family have totally come through :)
This last week was really hard deciding whether or not to stay in India until April and the day after I decided to go for it and take the job I got a huge, wonderful package from my friends in RLS!
All the goodies have been enjoyed thoroughly, and i'm saving the KD for a day when i'm in serious need of a pick me up. But all the rest of the stuff was awesome and it was really nice to get something from back home.
I'm taking it as a good sign, and good karma - so I think I will be able to stick it out through the next 4 months until my break to come see people in December.
I promise I will pay back all my Res Life buddies with stories over drinks in the winter :)
thanks made my week! xoxo

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