Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Staying on in India!

For those of you who havent heard yet...I have decided to stay on in India until April!!
There was an open position for the Assistant Programme Manager and the staff team asked me if I would be interested in filling it. So after two very emotional days of deliberation I decided I would be crazy to say no!
So this basically means that I will have a bigger hand in the planning and implementation of the events we run, and I'll get to have a lot more responsibility with some events as CL (my manager) will be in London for meetings so I will be the head program person around...eek! haha.
It means I get to be around for a LOT of very exciting stuff too. We have a leadership seminar and an HIV/AIDS seminar in the next few months, and a research trip to Goa in December, as well as a paid trip to Goa again in March for an event! Plus in October sometime I get to go to Sri Lanka for a few days to get a new visa so I can stay another 6 months :)
Ugh, it's all very exciting! Plus alllll the festivals, I get to be here for Ganapati, Diwali, Holi, and a bunch more I dont even know about yet.
So it looks like I'll have a chunk of time in December to go home and see you all, yay! I made sure I had a break to head home in there somewhere because I knew I wouldn't last another 7 months without it.
If any of you are thinking about travelling or needing a vacation - think India! I would love the company, and I know you guys would love it here...

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