Monday, June 11, 2007

Day Off

So yesterday was our first entire day off...hurray!!! It was good, Christa and I had a slumber party in Mary T's (our event administrator from Ireland) room because she's career staff and has an air conditioner in her room. Since we've moved out of the dorms on ground level, up to our rooms on the 2nd floor the heat is a little bit much, and one side of the building is cooler than the other because of where the breeze comes from, so slumber parties have been fun! We slept in until like 11 which was also great, ate and then headed out on a little day adventure. We went to Pune Central which is this mall that is basically one big department store and it's very Westernized. So chile it was nice to be around something familiar it was also crazy expensive and not as much fun, so we left and headed out to MG road where there are also lots of stores for shopping. We wandered around a bit, checked out some stuff, hung out in the Bombay store - this cute store with a little bit of everything: home decor, jewellery, clothing, aromatherapy, bags, wallets, stationary, etc. And we ended off at Barista - one of the local coffee chains in Pune. They have become our new favourite places :) The iced coffees are like only 2 bucks, and they come with like 2 or 3 scoops of ice cream in them if you want! its awesome.
I'm just heading out on my next adventure to the Parvati Hill Temple so hopefully I'll have some cool pictures of that to show in a few hours. xo

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